16 november 2017    View: 3686

Tourist guide appeared at ICBC Khorgos

From November 15, 2017 on the Arch ICBS Khorgos there will stay consultants and guides. They will welcome arriving buses and distribute printed materials and all the necessary information about the shopping centers of Khorgos to tourists and shoppers.

In the printed version of the "Guide to Khorgos" there will be the most complete information about the shopping centers, hotels, food outlets and discounts. Also,  advices will be given regarding the roaming, the cunning of bargaining with the Chinese, etc.

The action will last for a week.

ICBS Khorgos: 
ТЦ "Золотой Порт"
Молл "ИУ"
Торговый дом "Цзянь Юань"
Торговый центр "Чжун Хэ"
Центр меха "Кинг Конг"
Центральная площадь "Samruk"
Wu Немецкий магазин Дюти-Фри
Гонконгский магазин беспошлинной торговли
Корейский Дюти-Фри "Жу Фэнг"
Павильон "Дун Фан Цзинь Сю"
ТРЦ "Дружба"



Tel: +77075127645 
WhatsApp: +77009977963

WeChat: Khorgos_ICBC
Telegram: @Horgos
Tel: +77009977963 
QQ: 2571692582
QQ: 2571692582


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16 november 2017    View: 3686

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