2018-05-09 06:00:12 浏览: 7345
Umbrella for sunny and rainy weather
Different umbrellas in Horgos ICBC. For Sun and Rain.
Wholesale and retail.
Boris Zhao
ICBC Horgos, Trade Center "Zhong He",
1 floor, shop #1086
(Simply scan QR-code photo via WeChat)
5-10% discount with promotional code "khorgosbizbutik1676product6371"
Write to the Chinese directly in WeChat (like WhatsApp), where there is an auto-translator from Russian to Chinese and back! Tell them that you came from www.khorgos.biz
Shopping-tours to Horgos from Almaty with tour-agency BrazzerTurs +77771276794 (WhatsApp)
原产地: | 中哈霍尔果斯国际边境合作中心 |
港口: | 中哈霍尔果斯国际边境合作中心, "中科"国际贸易中心 |